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Richmond Cosmetic Dentistry Options For Fabulous Fall Smiles

Richmond Cosmetic Dentistry Options For Fabulous Fall Smiles


Kaizen Dental delivers Richmond cosmetic dentistry solutions for fabulous fall smiles. Our gentle and professional team cares about helping you care for your pearly whites. Celebrate Autumn’s arrival with its’ myriad of bright shades and take your smile a few shades whiter. Professional teeth whitening is one of our most requested Richmond cosmetic dentistry options. Imagine having your new smile in time for upcoming holiday photos!

Teeth Whitening For Fabulous Fall Photos

Have you been busy planning your annual outdoor family photograph? Maybe you are heading out to explore hiking trails to discover fall’s vibrancy up close. Capturing your best smile is easier than you think! Kaizen Dental offers excellent office hours for you to enjoy our teeth whitening options. Whiten and brighten on your lunch hour or talk to us about custom take-home trays. Gentle bleaching solutions can recharge your grin and deliver the radiant smile you are seeking. It is natural for teeth to darken with age and develop a yellowish or greyish hue. Certain medications can even affect your teeth. We are happy to address your concerns.

Richmond Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Kaizen Dental is thrilled to be your Richmond family dentist. Join us on the river for all of your general and cosmetic dentistry procedures. Cosmetic dentistry can fix any broken, discoloured, chipped, worn, misaligned teeth and deliver a pristine smile. Common Richmond cosmetic dentistry procedures include:

  • Dental Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Crowns
  • Dental Implants
  • Bonding
  • Orthodontics and more!

Love Your Smile With Kaizen Dental

Our dedicated dental team assesses your bite and your smile. We work with our clients to develop a detailed treatment plan to deliver the healthy and functioning smile you deserve. Relying on the latest dental technology, our team aims to minimize your time in the chair. Kaizen Dental wants our clients to love their smile and we have the options to make this happen.



Dental Crowns

Chipped, broken or cracked teeth can be painful and leave clients feeling self-conscious. It is important to remedy the situation before bacteria has a chance to infiltrate or spread. Dental crowns can be made to match your existing smile. Alternatively, we can provide teeth whitening options to take your radiance up a notch. A new dental crown can protect the damaged tooth and provide you with years of natural-looking smiles and chewing capacity.

Dental Veneers

If you desire to change the length, shape, colour or size of your teeth, veneers are a popular method. Richmond cosmetic dentistry with Kaizen Dental can help you find your smile again. These super thin porcelain pieces are bonded to the front surface of the teeth after an etching solution removes approximately a half mm of enamel from the tooth being treated. This step is required to prime the tooth’s surface to attach the veneer. If you have dreamed about a Hollywood smile, this may be the treatment option for you.

Gap Concerns? Richmond Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help!

While some dental clients love the gap in their teeth and own it with confidence, others prefer to solidify the area. Using orthodontic therapy to move the teeth is one option. Misaligned teeth are harder to clean and floss. We can discuss if you are a candidate for Invisalign clear aligners or traditional braces. Sometimes, dental bonding can provide the solution you are looking for. We will review the mechanics of your unique smile together and be able to develop a comprehensive plan.

Kaizen Dental Loves To See You Smile

We are excited to review your smile dreams and wish list with you. Our caring and experienced team understand how closely related your smile is to your self-confidence.

Let us help you be proud to show off a gorgeous and healthy smile. Book your dental checkup or consultation with us today to discover your options.